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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Brave like Malkin
I'm a pretty big Michelle Malkin fan. I think she's got balls.

I like her even more because her opponents are so freaking crazy that she could post the alphabet and they'd flip all over themselves to call her names and pick apart each sentence with a fervor usually reserved by normal people for the power of good. I love a good debate and it's always exciting to read opposing views when they are presented respectfully. Unfortunately, her opponents - they aren't worth linking to - are sad and pathetic creatures who get mad and resort to vulgar and racist crap. You can just feel their frustration ooze off the screen ... they just can't get the words out without swearing and drooling on themselves.

One has gone so far as to post her personal phone number, her home address, and her husband's work number. Even worse, he put up a picture of her neighbourhood with a big ol' circle around her house.

Why, you ask?

Because Malkin got a hold of a press release and ... gasp! ... put the information on her web site.

What part of PRESS RELEASE do you not get? Should I type slower for you?

If you WRITE a PRESS RELEASE and then SEND IT OUT... you can reasonably expect that the PRESS will RELEASE it to others. That's kind of the point.

Malkin has responded on her blog, and I believe that she's actually had to change her phone number. It's really quite a sad state of affairs that one side just can't grasp a few tiny little facts that make so much sense to all the... well, sensible people.
  The Writing Mother
  posted at 10:21 PM


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