Dear Love Of My Life,
I would have married you 10 years ago, when we first met. You were worth waiting for. I remember when you said "I've never won anything" and I said "but honey... you won ME!" You said, "I didn't win you... I just stopped running."
If I ask a question, I had better be prepared for full disclosure. I have never, ever thought that you might be lying to me. Not even when you say you like my butt.
When we met again in 2003 you still had the presents for me that you bought me in 1996 and didn't have the chance to give me. And they were too big on me. That rocks.
For a guy who only just became a parent, you continue to teach me about parenting, even when you tell me a story about your childhood and I'm reminded what NOT to do.
Even my family loves you. A relative was having some issues with her spouse and she wanted to call YOU of all people. She knew you'd give her a straight story.
Marriage was very scary for you. You were very brave.
I knew you'd be all squishy and in love with your daughter. And you are. You may not always show it, but you are. No one laughs when a baby farts and poops unless they love that baby.
You stop chewing your nails when you know it bothers me. Or when you get the evil-death-glare-of-doom.
You know how to do laundry. You may not put mine away, but whenever there's a pile of clean clothes jumbled on the bed... I know that none of your clothes will be in that pile.
You read body language very well whether it's my smile or my evil-death-glare-of-doom.
You know how to wrestle with little boys and burp babies.
Congrats, HC! We recently celebrated our 26th. Around the 20-year mark, it will no longer be necessary to read body language -- it will be replaced by a kind of mutual mental telepathy!
Congrats!! And hey, I chew my nails, too!
Why did you marry your first husband?
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