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Saturday, April 21, 2007
I'm angry.
Do you know what really makes me mad?

(Lots of things?)

When family members screw their family over. I have an uncle who is the most irresponsible person. I may have blogged about him in the past.

My aunt and grandmother have things in a storage facility that he is responsbile for. Some things have intense personal value... such as the moss bag that my aunt had for her son. They are aboriginal and this is about as personal as that one baby blanket that your child was never without for the first year of his life. You cannot replace it.

Well my uncle gets his mail at my mother's house and I signed for a registered letter for him there. It was the storage facility. He hadn't paid the bill.

I called my aunt and told her, she flipped out and called her brother. Why didn't I call him? Because he's a very angry person and would simply tell me to pi$$ off.

She has been giving him money for this storage as she lives about ten hours away. Obviously he's been drinking away the money.

Today in the paper was a notice that the contents of the storage would be sold. I tried to call my aunt again but there was no answer. I called my mother, figuring she might care that her mother's furnature and her sister's personal items were going to be sold.

My mother was irritated that I was interfering. She didn't want to get involved in "his business".

She phoned him. He said "it's taken care of".

She called me back to tell me that.

So I called the storage people.

Money is still outstanding. It's been owed for over two months, so it hasn't been "taken care of". Is it right to lie to your family? I am mad that he is lying to everyone, that he's so irresponsible and that I know if I phone him he will get self-righteous and mad back at me when HE is the one in the wrong.


  The Writing Mother
  posted at 1:55 PM

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Tiffany Todd said...

God, that is so messed up. :(

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Roshan said...

I guess I would have to say 'leave him alone'. Some people never learn and arguing might only make things worse. Don't worry about it.


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