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Monday, August 07, 2006
Japan sucks.
As a writer you'd think I was ALL ABOUT freedom of expression. And to an extent, I am.

For example, I don't think that Lolita should be banned from libraries.

But, I think that THIS CRAP should be a punishable offence. It is beyond nauseating. The basic premise is this: a sexy dance contest for children aged 2 - 12. How in the WORLD can this be on television? I've been to Japan and I'm well aware that they have a bizarre fascination with game shows. I've seen spanking and random waxings... all involving consenting adults. But these are children. Some of them are the age of my SON.

(Hat Tip to ye olde ex-boyfriend, Carl.)
  The Writing Mother
  posted at 10:57 AM

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to my site.

A rather interesting side note to that story: The mother of one of the girls who danced on that show wrote about my site on her Japanese blog. She was absolutely baffled that a foreigner would think that there was something pedophilic about the television show. All of the people who commented on her site agreed that foreigners are strange to consider it to be messed up: the girls were just having fun dressing up and dancing like their favorite pop star.

They're clueless.


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