Thursday, November 09, 2006
I cannot take Belinda Stronach. Give it a rest already and quit making me feel embarassed to be a strong woman. You want equality? Then you get the same insults that the men throw at each other.
For those who haven't an idea of what I'm talking about, let me enlighten you:
Belinda was a Conservative MP who was dating Conservative Peter McKay
During a crucial vote she chose to 'cross the floor' and become a Liberal.
Recently she's had an affair with Tie Domi, whose marriage ended. (This was her second affair with a married man... and a hockey player)
Recently McKay allegedly referred to Stronach as a dog.
Now, she can't take a joke from Ralph Klein.
At a 'roast' of Ralph Klein he said, "I don't think Belinda has a Conservative bone in her body. Well... maybe one... speaking of Peter McKay ..."
Belinda is one of those women on a power kick. She thinks that because she is Important that she's not held to the same standards as the rest of us.
Belinda, you crossed the floor in the House of Commons and turned your back on your constituents. That makes you a House Wrecker.
You had an affair with a married man. That makes you a Home Wrecker.
Please suck it up. You can't run with the big dogs if you're gonna pee like a puppy in the morning.
For those who haven't an idea of what I'm talking about, let me enlighten you:
Belinda was a Conservative MP who was dating Conservative Peter McKay
During a crucial vote she chose to 'cross the floor' and become a Liberal.
Recently she's had an affair with Tie Domi, whose marriage ended. (This was her second affair with a married man... and a hockey player)
Recently McKay allegedly referred to Stronach as a dog.
Now, she can't take a joke from Ralph Klein.
At a 'roast' of Ralph Klein he said, "I don't think Belinda has a Conservative bone in her body. Well... maybe one... speaking of Peter McKay ..."
Belinda is one of those women on a power kick. She thinks that because she is Important that she's not held to the same standards as the rest of us.
Belinda, you crossed the floor in the House of Commons and turned your back on your constituents. That makes you a House Wrecker.
You had an affair with a married man. That makes you a Home Wrecker.
Please suck it up. You can't run with the big dogs if you're gonna pee like a puppy in the morning.
I wonder if you would feel the same way if Belinda had been a conservative? Do you have a problem with her getting upset about the comments, or do you just dislike her because she is conservative?
Perhaps rather than putting women down we should all support one another to make a stronger unified group?
It would not matter what party she belonged to... I dislike her CHARACTER. There are plenty on both sides of the house that I dislike.
I treat her the same I'd treat a man. Isn't that what equality is about? I wouldn't hold back from calling a male politician an idiot, why should I hold back with Belinda because she's a woman?
Belinda's a whore. Nuff said.
What's the problem... if McKay called a dog a dog? If she... or another other woman can not handle the comments made in jest... with a curious amount of truth..I then suggest that she work a little harder at either a) keeping her private smut private... or b) not wrecking every life she comes in contact with, and finding a little self dignity. If Belinda Stronach has become a "strong" woman by wrecking families, back stabbing those who trust and voted for her, then I want none of it!
Look at your "apple" analogy, you strike me as a woman that speaks about equality yet turns your back on the very equality you champion (equating other women to "rotten apples from the ground"). Sounds like a 'sour' gripe to me from a 'bitter' woman that needs to make herself appear better than other women (oh yes, a tinge of inequality). Your mixed messages leave me with a fermented apple image in my come across as more acidic than sweet...too bad.
And I left off the last part:
"Now Men... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the **** out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with."
Why is it that the anonymous people always speak down to bloggers?
It is hilarious to be so sure of your judgment on someone else and yet not be brave enough to even post a name!
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