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The Writing Mother

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ok, here it is.
Many of you who stop by may already have heard this.

I got engaged.

Let me give you a brief rundown of my relationship with Major Man without violating his privacy that he holds dear.

Met: 1996 in Italy while he was stationed in Germany and I was working as a horse trainer in Austria.

Dated: VERY briefly until I returned home to Canada, he went back to the US and we lost touch.

1999: After a few months of stalking and googling I made contact and spoke briefly by phone and then lost contact again (I have it on his good word that he admits he should have called me back).

2000-2003: I faked him out with the whole 'getting married to someone else and having a child' thing.

2003: Made contact again... spoke via phone or emailed for around a year while wooing him (says I) or getting over my issues (says he).

2004: I called his bluff of 'coming up to Canada soon', pigeonholed a free weekend out of him and booked a flight down to Indiana. Upon which we TOTALLY HIT IT OFF.

2004-2005: After a total of 8 flights between the two of us over the last year we have decided to cement this thing in stone. We want to be together. Forever and ever until death do us part. (And sweetheart, if you are reading this I mean that in a very nice 'not the end to your freedom' sort of way.)
  The Writing Mother
  posted at 2:18 PM

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Heather! Congrats to you and your army man!

At 4:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is some sadness in me that a good apple is no longer 'on the tree' but there is so much more happiness that someone such as you is finding your own happiness.

I have enjoyed your blog for some time now. You have made me realize I have been searching for my own good apple. Your fiance is, indeed, a very lucky man.

A very hearty congratulations to you both.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Miss Pickle said...

Congratulations! I've been following your story for some time now, and am so happy to hear that you've found happiness with your soul mate. Such a great story the 2 of you share! Much happiness to you both!


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